
Salesforce acquires Slack

An exciting opportunity for the Slack Platform

작성자: Steve Wood2021년 7월 21일Justina Leisyte의 일러스트

Today’s the day! Slack is part of Salesforce. What does this mean? We’re still the Slack you know and love, now connected to the most open and interoperable ecosystem of enterprise apps and workflows.

A transformed world of work

Over the past year, we’ve embraced the power of flexibility. Every business in every industry now has to evolve to meet their customers, employees and partners in a digital-first world. We know that with the right tools, we can be productive from anywhere—and this is our opportunity to reshape everything about how and where we work.

Salesforce enables any company to sell, service, market, conduct commerce, and more from anywhere. And with Slack, your entire organization is more connected, engaged and productive. Together we’re shaping the future of enterprise software, creating the business operating system to lead this historic shift to a digital-first world.

We also create the most extensive open ecosystem of apps and workflows for business, including more than 8,000 apps available from partners. With this increased scale, we see even greater opportunity for millions of developers looking to build the next generation of apps—with clicks or with code.

A more powerful platform

With this digital-first shift, it’s critical that we stay aligned and connected across our people and information, which can be challenging given the proliferation of software and tools within most enterprise organizations.

Slack connects conversations, apps, data and workflows in ways that make work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We’ve seen companies like IBM use both Salesforce and Slack platforms to build robust and powerful integrations between their software and systems.

Our vision for our platform is to enable every Slack customer to be an event-driven enterprise—with Slack serving as the engagement layer for all system and human events, integrations and automations, with code and no-code solutions that keep your people and tools tightly aligned. The goal is to make it easier than ever for anyone to build solutions that ignite transformation within a company—ensuring that in this digital-first world, work moves forward and everyone is empowered.

This is happening already. Today our developer ecosystem builds incredible event-driven apps on Slack, from onboarding employees faster, to managing incidents in record time.

And accelerated by our announcement with Salesforce, this vision will soon take a major step forward as we work to deliver groundbreaking changes to the platform.

A note of appreciation

As head of product for Slack’s developer platform, I have an unusual perspective on our joining Salesforce: I previously sold a process-automation software company to Salesforce and helped build the go-to-market strategy for the Salesforce platform. I know from experience that with Salesforce’s support, we’ll have the resources to bring you an even better Slack.

We’re always investing in our platform and in you—from our recent re-launch of slackcommunity.com to our largest-ever re-architecting of the platform. You’ll be hearing more about both of these exciting announcements this November at Slack Frontiers. And there will be more to come here on the Slack Developer blog.

I personally want to thank each and every one of you—for what you’ve built, automated, coded and created to-date. Thank you for bringing your very best to us, as we’ve introduced new features, deprecations, betas and countless developer success stories. We’re excited to amplify your work and showcase your creations on a bigger, better stage. On behalf of our whole Slack platform team, thank you for taking this journey with us.

As always, we are here for you! Tweet us @SlackAPI with questions or feedback, and keep tabs on the latest by joining the Slack Community conversation.

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