Today is a good day

to say thank you...

由 Slack 团队提供2019 年 6 月 20 日绘图:Abbey Lossing

Thank you to the remote worker waking up halfway across the world opening Slack to find out what transpired as she slept. To the CEO using Slack to get people on the same page while on a different continent. To the intern getting kudos in a way the whole company can see. The farmer checking Slack to monitor feed levels. The sales team congregating in channel to celebrate the successful closing out of Q1. Thank you. To the architects uploading blueprints, accountants crunching numbers, research scientists connecting the dots, customer support agents… supporting customers. To the recruiters, retail clerks and repair people; the dreamers, the doers, the dabblers and the data. To every person who depends on us to bring their team together, achieve more, or simply get their work done. Thank you.

To all those whose hearts sing and pulses race at the sight of the words “Several people are typing…” To those who know what happens when you try to add more than 23 distinct emoji reactions to a message. To the helpful colleague who shares keyboard shortcuts. To those of you who read the release notes, make time for customer panels, or to answer a short survey: Thank you. To those who have set their sidebar up just so, with starred channels and perfectly-set preferences, and let us know daily, in no uncertain terms, exactly how we can serve you better. Thank you.

To the person who persuaded their team to just give Slack a try—and still uses it for every project five years down the line. To the person who never heard of Slack before this moment and has for whatever reason read this far (and in case that’s you: Slack is a collaboration tool for teamwork that brings together people, information and applications to allow you to improve the quality of work. It’s good, you should try it!): Thank you.

We would, very literally, be nothing without you. Thank you for letting us be part of your working day. We will continue to do better, to work harder, to make sure that Slack helps bring alignment and clarity to your work, whatever work you do. We commit to continue making your working life, and that of every person we serve, simpler, more pleasant and more productive.











Slack 10 岁啦!

庆祝 Slack 十年创新征程,回顾 10 大重要功能


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Next Chapter(开启新篇章)计划的合作范围已扩大到 14 家公司和组织

PayPal、Asana 和 Stash 以招聘合作伙伴身份加入



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