Stay productive from anywhere with Slack

Learn how to keep your team together and moving forward, even while working remotely

Vom Slack-Team28. April 2020

Remote work poses new challenges, at least for those fortunate enough to continue working from the relative safety of their homes.

Now that the boundaries between work life and home life are effectively blurred, here’s a look at how Slack can help make this transition simpler and more pleasant, so teams can stay connected and productive.

The place for remote work

When all your communication happens in a central place, you can drive results from anywhere. Here’s a peek at how you can use Slack channels to review documents, source feedback and hit deadlines—no meetings required (unless you’ve been craving some virtual human interaction, in which case, by all means.)

Even when working remotely, teams may still need to coordinate with partners, vendors or external agencies to execute on work. Fortunately, outside teams can easily be brought into your remote workplace in Slack so you can efficiently manage your projects while reducing communication lags.

Looking for advice about remote work? Grab a cuppa and read on about how to combat video-conference fatigue, how to use Slack to host meetings, conferences and events remotely and, for the managers among you, check out our manager’s manual for remote work.



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