
Get where you’re going faster with SAP Concur’s Travel App

Book travel, share plans, and look up flights, all in Slack

Vom Slack-Team13. August 2018

It goes without saying that booking travel for business can be a hassle.

You’ve got schedules to juggle, flights to choose, and all against the rapidly approaching deadline of your trip. The ideal scenario is to get in, get flights, and get back to work.

If you’re one of the over 46 million people using SAP Concur for booking business travel, this is exactly what their new Travel App for Slack can do for you.


Book flights in Slack

Setting up flights for an upcoming trip will no longer feel like a chore when you can do it all in a direct message — a “DM” — with the SAP Concur Travel App. Type menu to get started and after filling out a few fields, you’ll have flight results inside Slack, with no need to jump to a web browser. Booking is a matter of hitting a few more buttons to confirm.


Concur travel flight pay screenshot


Once you’ve connected your SAP Concur account to the app, it’ll use your saved payment methods and frequent flyer accounts, making bookings that much easier.


Share flights with others

Group trips don’t have to be a logistical nightmare. Once you’ve arranged your own trip, the SAP Concur Travel bot has the option to share it in a channel or DM with others. They’ll see your itinerary along with a “Book for Yourself” button that can search for seats on the same flights with the click of a button. Getting your whole team to a conference is suddenly a snap.


Concur travel flight pay screenshot


View your trips without leaving Slack

If you ever need to look up your flight numbers or landing times, the SAP Concur Travel bot can show your trip details in an instant, without having to look up confirmation codes or log into any websites. It’s just what you need at your fingertips, in a flash.


Concur travel flights list


Now boarding

If you coordinate travel and expenses at work with SAP Concur, the Travel bot is out now for U.S.-based customers and ready to be added to your workspace. It comes on the heels of SAP Concur’s Expense bot, which does much of the same, letting you kick off expense reports by simply uploading receipts to Slack and clicking a few buttons.

Travel and expenses are often the type of busy work that’s tempting to push off, but thanks to SAP Concur’s new apps for Slack, it’s easy to book flights or file expenses without leaving the comfort of Slack.

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