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What’s new in Slack: A year in review

Download now to learn what's new at Slack this year

Dieses Webinar ist geeignet für:

  • Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -träger in Unternehmen
  • Inhaberinnen/Inhaber und Administratorinnen/Administratoren

Adapting to the new way of working has been a big topic of conversation this year. That’s why here at Slack we’re focused on delivering a digital-first approach to our customers via our digital headquarters. Join us to learn more about the product innovations that connect your people, tools, customers, and partners in a digital HQ that’s flexible and inclusive for a work-from-anywhere world.

Rednerinnen und Redner:

Mat MullenDirector, Product Management, Slack
Kenny BurnsPrincipal Success Manager, Slack

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