
The student and faculty guide to collaborating in Slack

Use this template to create your own community guidelines and preserve productivity

Par l’équipe Slack16 mars 2020Illustration par Robert Samuel Hanson

Adapting to a virtual learning environment can pose a bit of a learning curve for professors, faculty and students alike. Many of our own customers have suddenly found themselves transforming Slack into their distance-learning hub, where they manage everything from student services and classroom lectures to academic operations, right down to student government.

To make this transition smoother and help everyone grapple with the realities of the new digital campus, we’ve put together this basic template on how to best communicate and collaborate with each other in Slack. Feel free to copy and update these guidelines and share them with your staff and students. We highly recommend pinning your post to a #team or #announcements channel so that it’s maximally accessible.

Join us on Wednesday, March 18, for a free webinar tailored to all of you who work in higher education. The session is called “Create your digital campus with Slack.” Register now.

For more tips on working and learning remotely in Slack, check out these resources:

If you’d like some personalized help around using Slack with your suddenly remote team, we’re happy to hop on a quick call with you. Click here to schedule a time.


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