Zoom and Slack: Building the future of team communication

An update on our joint commitment to making work seamless across platforms

Vom Slack-Team31. Juli 2019

When everyone at a company can connect and collaborate easily, new opportunities can be seized quickly and challenges resolved just as fast. That’s why we recently announced our partnership with Zoom, a leading video communications platform. 

It’s our shared belief that teams are better equipped to be nimble and responsive to change when they have a clear line of sight to their organization’s strategy and goals. But the only way that can happen is when teams have access to painless communication.

Since partnering with Zoom, we’ve built on the success of Slack’s Zoom integration, which more than 15,000 Slack teams use on a monthly basis (up over 200% from just a year ago). In April, Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and Zoom CEO Eric S. Yuan shared the stage at Slack’s Frontiers conference to lay out what’s ahead. Now these brand new features, including the ability to manage your Zoom meetings from Slack and making a call using Zoom Phone are here!

With these new updates,  you’ll spend less time on meeting logistics and more time on the important business of decision-making and problem-solving.

Here’s more:

 Manage your Zoom meetings in Slack

With the Zoom app for Slack, you gain more context into team meetings and discussions. You can already launch a Zoom meeting from Slack—just type /zoom. Now you’ll also see meeting details and who’s in the call before joining—all from within Slack.

To take advantage of these new features, be sure to update your Zoom app for Slack.

You can also ask your Slack admin to change the default setting for your workspace’s phone icon to Zoom so that every time you click the phone in Slack, you’ll launch your conversation in Zoom. Need help? Check out our handy guide for customizing your Slack call settings.

Smarter calendar integrations save you time

Not all good things require you to wait. Slack’s Outlook Calendar and Google Calendar apps already include a feature that allows you to join Zoom Meetings with the click of a button. Both apps notify you in Slack of your upcoming meetings, and for meetings that include a Zoom link, calendar notifications have a handy button where you can join the call right from Slack, saving you a frantic search for the information in your calendar invite. (It’s the little things.)

Outlook Calendar showing you can join a Zoom meeting

We’re committed to building the next generation of tools that power collaboration in the workplace. By making it easier for teams to communicate, we know we can deliver on our mission of making people’s working lives simpler, more pleasant and more productive.



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