Slack and Atlassian logos

A partnership to bring tools and teams together

We’re making it even easier to unlock the value of your software, with deeper integrations and new features for our shared customers

El equipo de Slack13 de agosto de 2020

We’ve seen seismic shifts in the way organizations and teams work as the world responds to Covid-19. In the U.S. alone, over 16 million knowledge workers began working remotely this spring to help flatten the curve. Every day, it’s looking more and more like the trend toward remote work is here to stay. 

It’s up to us to make sure we’re providing our customers with the best support possible as they navigate new ways of working. That’s why we’re beginning a new chapter in our partnership with Atlassian, an industry leader in collaboration and project management software. This next phase in our journey expands an ongoing strategic partnership, from Atlassian’s equity investment in Slack in 2018 to its recent acquisition of the Slack Fund company Halp, a Slack-based help desk. 

Going forward, our partnership is deepening, from co-development at the app and integration level to collaborative product design at the platform level. We’re working together to shape the very fabric of Slack and bring you new features and functionality, such as the ability to connect your platform services together.

“We’re building on the strong foundation of our partnership’s success from the past two years, which has yielded tremendous shared customer momentum and impactful product integrations,” says Slack co-founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield. “Thanks to our strategic alliance, Slack and Atlassian have become the technology stack of choice for developer teams.

“By building deeper integrations across our platforms and providing seamless access to the Atlassian product suite from Slack, we’re making it even easier for teams to use our tools together and work faster, no matter where they’re located,” Butterfield says. 

A shared customer-first focus

Putting our customers’ needs first is Slack and Atlassian’s shared priority. Slack already integrates with popular Atlassian apps including Jira Cloud, Trello and Confluence Cloud. To date, Slack and Atlassian have shipped 11 product integrations to the tune of nearly 1 million monthly active users and counting. 

These integrations bring your team’s tools and information—and the people you work with—into one collaborative space, saving valuable time by reducing context switching and automating routine tasks. With these integrations, joint customers like Datadog, New Relic, InVision and SoFi are able to keep their teams productive and engaged while working remotely. 

Take, for example, the Jira Cloud app for Slack, which provides robust workflows and project tracking. More than 42 million Jira Cloud notifications are shared in Slack every month, and it’s our most popular integration with Atlassian. With the widespread shift to remote work, Slack users are relying on the Jira integration even more, with monthly active users up 29% since February.

We continue to look for new ways to help our shared customers improve the way they work. Atlassian’s recent acquisition of Halp is a prime example: The conversational ticketing solution enables teams to respond to employee requests directly from Slack without needing a separate system or interface.

We’re building on the momentum we’ve generated over the past two years to enhance the experience of using our tools together. In the months ahead, we are planning deeper platform integrations and co-creating new Slack feature releases that help teams move work forward faster.

“Together, Atlassian and Slack are committed to making it as easy as possible for customers to use our tools to collaborate and innovate,” says Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian’s co-founder and co-CEO. “Over the last two years, we’ve developed joint integrations across all of our Atlassian cloud products to ensure that teams never miss a beat.”

Setting our customers up for success

Our shared goal has always been to provide first-class tools that enable our customers to improve the way they work. As part of the next stage of our partnership, customers on Atlassian’s paid plans may be eligible to receive 50% off new plans for Slack so they can take full advantage of both platforms. 

Connecting the right people with the right information is even more critical today. Slack and Atlassian are here to ensure our customers have the tools they need to easily navigate unforeseen challenges and take advantage of new opportunities in an increasingly dynamic work environment. 

“Teams have never been more important to the world, and we take seriously our responsibility to help them thrive amidst such upheaval,” says Cannon-Brookes. “As we embark on the next stage of our partnership, we are excited to move forward together towards our mission to unleash the potential of every team.”  

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