
Effectively Using Means of Communication in the Workplace

It’s not just about how you communicate with your teammates—you should also think about the tools you use to engage with them

Slack 팀이 작성2019년 7월 18일

In a two-hour time span at the office, you might have to present the latest strategy deck to your boss, deliver constructive feedback to a direct report, and invite a colleague out for brainstorming over coffee. As each workplace situation changes, so too will your means of communication.

It’s not just verbal versus nonverbal communication techniques, or oral versus visual methods of communication. We also have to take the tools and technologies we use — and how we use them — into consideration. After all, they can alter and influence how colleagues interpret your message. Here’s how to use the following means of communication effectively to avoid confusion or conflict.

What are means of communication in the workplace?

Workplace communication can take several forms, and the most effective method of communicating depends on your work environment, your intended conversation topic, and the coworker with whom you’re communicating.

The primary means of communication include:

  • Verbal communication: Takes place by speaking
  • Written communication: Happens via the written word
  • Visual communication: Uses graphics or other visual aids
  • Nonverbal communication: Includes body language, gestures, and facial expressions in in-person meetings or video conferences

Different methods of communication with examples

Whichever method of communication you use, you have several platforms to choose from. Here are some common ways to leverage the different means of communication.




  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Data visualizations
  • Screen recordings
  • GIFs


Get the most out of these four means of communication

1. When face to face is the best means of communication

Face-to-face communication is often an effective strategy for managing conflicts at work and having difficult conversations. After all, taking time to talk to someone in person can convey integrity, honesty, and authenticity. If you’re concerned that one of your team members is struggling, there’s a big difference between sending a note and sitting down to have a conversation.

A note might be appropriate to let your team member know you need to have a more in-depth discussion, but that in-depth discussion should happen in a meeting. To optimize those one-on-one interactions, consider the following tips:

  1. Minimize social threat by creating a workplace culture in which people feel psychologically safe so candid communication is frequent and welcome.
  2. Focus on continuous growth by not getting caught up on perceived failures or weaknesses. Help your team members feel seen and heard, and set meaningful goals.
  3. Facilitate insight by asking questions, not giving answers. You can listen actively and guide the conversation in a way that helps your coworkers help themselves.

2. When video chat helps colleagues connect in virtual workplaces

Of course, face-to-face meetings are often a challenging means of communication for distributed teams. In those cases, video chat can be the next best thing.

Hopping on a video call can be a huge time saver for any large team. It can also bridge the gap between you and your colleagues who work remotely. When Adrienne Jones, the director of global prospect campaigns at Okta, needs to reach out to remote employees like Remy Champion, her campaign manager, she uses Zoom. Even just picking up the phone can help create that human connection with someone who works outside of the office.

3. When meetings are the most effective option

In most organizations, meetings are a common means of communication — and one that often receives mixed reviews. The key to running effective meetings is to schedule them only when you need to have an actual conversation with multiple team members at the same time.

Bear in mind that presentations are not the same thing as meetings. If you want to divulge information one-way through a slide deck, simply build it out and send it to your team.

Before you book a meeting, ask yourself:

  • Have I thought through this situation?
  • Do I need outside input to make progress?
  • Does moving forward require a real-time conversation?
  • Does this necessitate a face-to-face meeting?

If you answer yes to all four of those questions, then it’s time to call your team to order and have a conversation. But if any one of them makes you think twice, there may be a way to address the issue on your own or solicit input from some of your colleagues.

Meetings are most useful if they provide a productive, nonjudgmental space for open conversation, mutual understanding and proactive problem-solving. You can facilitate great meetings by giving permission and creating safety for your team members to express themselves and by ensuring that everyone is heard.

4. When to create rules of engagement around instant messaging

These days, online office communication and collaboration tools are commonplace. As the distributed workforce grows and more people choose to work remotely, instant messaging platforms allow distant colleagues to stay connected in real time, and help make remote team members feel included.

While you may rely on these tools to keep in touch with coworkers halfway around the world, you’re likely also using them to check in with people on the other side of the room. Still, conversations using office communication tools and instant messaging apps involve a unique set of interpersonal skills.

The verbal and nonverbal cues we rely on when we normally communicate no longer exist in the virtual sphere, so it’s vital to establish clear “rules of engagement” around what your various technologies and channels are explicitly for, the best times to touch base, and the best ways to share information.

Also, building trust is key. You can establish trust not only by responding to your team members in a timely manner and proactively completing your tasks, but also by checking in personally, being enthusiastic and letting your own voice shine through in your virtual correspondence.

Carefully consider the most productive means of communication

With various means of communication at your disposal, it can be hard to know which is the best way to connect with your teammates. That’s why it’s important to take the time to learn how your team and your organization prefer to communicate in different contexts, and which tools are best to deliver your message.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a manager or an employee. At the end of the day, your entire operation depends on your team’s willingness to talk and listen to each other.

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