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Your ultimate guide to Slack Frontiers Asia Pacific and Europe

Make sure you’re all set to plan your best event experience on May 18 and 19 by reviewing this comprehensive instructional guide

Slack 팀이 작성2021년 5월 11일

With Slack Frontiers Asia Pacific and Slack Frontiers Europe right around the corner, it’s time to get prepared. There’s so much to learn and do at each event, so we put together some information to help you get the most out of your experience.

Be sure to watch our short video below detailing what you need to know to get ready. Plus, check out our handy guide to Slack Frontiers Asia Pacific and guide to Slack Frontiers Europe to see everything you can build your day around as an attendee. You’ll also learn how to select sessions to view and attend, how to build your own agenda, and how to connect with other event attendees—all online on May 18 and 19.

Create your own event

At Slack Frontiers, you decide how and when to participate. Kick off your day by tuning in live to watch inspiring keynote speakers, including Slack leadership and customers, as they address the future of work. Then pick and choose how to spend your day so you can get equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in a hybrid work environment.

Go all-in on live, interactive experiences, consume content on your own time, or curate a mix of both. You don’t want to miss out on:

  • More than 15 breakout sessions tailored to your role, goals and big plans
  • On-demand videos, demos and guides for all skill levels to help you get more out of Slack
  • Opportunities to meet peers and engage with leaders in your field
  • Exclusive product demos, downloads and more from our partners

And don’t forget to stick around for our closing keynote, featuring tennis champion, fashion designer and all-around business maven Venus Williams. Learn how one of the most accomplished and inspiring women in the history of sports forged a successful career while advocating for equality.

Join the conversation and community

Access to the Slack Frontiers virtual event platform is open starting May 13. The event platform is where you’ll dive into all the event’s available experiences, including sessions and keynotes, demos, community-building, the virtual photo booth and more.

You’ll log in with a unique code emailed to you on May 13 with the subject line “Access is OPEN.” Then you can:

  • Set up your attendee profile
  • Browse the full agenda so you can select sessions and demos to add to your custom schedule
  • Sign up for small group discussions to share best practices and expertise, or create your own conversation in one-on-one or small group video chats via Braindate—download our Braindate guide to learn more
  • Check out our library of on-demand content and download resources

From the event platform, you can then log in to the exclusive attendees-only Slack Frontiers workspace to connect with peers before, during and after the event.

frontiers tour intros

When you first log in, make sure that you create your profile and introduce yourself in the #intros Slack channel. Then you can:

  • View a program overview in #welcome
  • Check out information on event logistics, Slack product news and more in #announcements
  • Share best practices, challenges and insights for adapting to a hybrid work environment in #think-tank
  • Join live Ask Me Anything sessions featuring various customers and experts to get all of your Slack platform questions answered

Need more time or want to revisit specific event content? Come back to the Slack Frontiers workspace and virtual event platform for up to 30 days after the event to continue your experience.

Need help?

You can find support for the virtual event space in the “Need help?” section of the platform. You can also consult the #helpdesk channel in the Slack Frontiers workspace for questions about Slack. For registration questions and support or general program information, you can email

Your registration supports a good cause

Did you know that when you register for Slack Frontiers, you’re helping others? For every registration, Slack will make a donation to UNICEF India’s drive to help those affected by Covid-19.

Find the event in your region, below, and register for free today to stay up to date. And join the conversation on social media using #SlackFrontiers!

Slack Frontiers Asia Pacific: May 18, 1–5 p.m. AEST

frontiers apac promo

Who should attend?

Anyone living in the Asia Pacific region who’s interested in learning about Slack and how it can help make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive.

How do I register?

Register for free here to save your spot!

What’s being covered?

Check out our agenda here and stay tuned for updates.

Which languages will be represented at the event?

All parts of the event will take place in English.

Slack Frontiers Europe: May 19, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. BST

frontiers emea promo

Who should attend?

Anyone living in Europe who’s interested in learning about Slack and how it can help make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive.

How do I register?

Register for free here to save your spot!

What’s being covered?

Check out our agenda here and stay tuned for updates.

Which languages will be represented at the event?

All parts of the event will take place in English, with subtitles and translations available in German and French. Some content will also be interpreted in German and French.

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