
Our Services Partner Program is here

A formal program for our expanding partner ecosystem

Il team di Slack12 novembre 2019Illustrazione di Josh Cochran

Without a doubt, work has become more complex. In the midst of rapid change, fluctuating customer expectations and dynamic competitive pressures, the Slack platform helps companies consolidate workflows, instantly access critical information, and promote team alignment.

Our services partners further these efforts by providing consulting services to foster companywide transformation initiatives with Slack, from connecting to other apps and building internal integrations to helping department heads implement new ways of working.

Today we’re launching our Services Partner Program, adding to our existing Technology Partner Program to help organizations get the most out of Slack.

Why the need for a formal Services Partner Program?

This program offers our growing community of services partners formalized technical training, sales enablement and go-to-market support. Its introduction not only reflects the evolution of our partner ecosystem but the evolution of the role Slack plays in driving transformational change for our customers.

“As the market continues to adapt to new ways of working, we are seeing unprecedented growth in the demand for services that enable customers to leverage Slack to drive organization-wide transformation,” says Richard Hasslacher, Slack’s head of global channel and alliances. “We are expanding our focus to partner with a new wave of companies that extend and supplement our services capabilities across all industries. There has never been a more exciting time to partner with Slack, and we are deeply committed to creating programs that create value for both our partners and customers.”

What does that look like in action?

Because the adoption of Slack is so high among end users, introducing Slack into a company’s toolset opens up the opportunity to roll out new processes. Our initial set of participating partners offer a broad range of services, including solution design, business process optimization, change management and end-user adoption.

Who are some of the partners in this program?

The following services partners are leading the charge in helping companies around the globe transform their businesses:




We’re deeply invested in our partner ecosystem, and we’ll continue to develop programs to help our customers maximize the potential of the Slack platform.

Stay tuned for more updates to come. 

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