

4 tips for delivering genuine customer success in a digital world

Actionable advice from Gainsight’s CEO and Slack’s head of customer success on meeting customers where they are in the midst of a pandemic


Universities keep class in session with channels

How California State University, East Bay is using Slack to provide instruction and support students


Gartner to CIOs: Covid-19 makes the case for collaboration software

Get the analyst firm’s latest report on how digital tools can help enterprises survive crises short-term and rebound long-term


8 apps for Slack that keep remote work on track

Our favorite apps for staying in touch with colleagues and collectively moving work forward


Tips from the trenches of three remote-friendly companies

Leaders at Automattic, Glitch and Zapier share the glue that binds their work-from-home culture


The ultimate guide to remote working team collaboration

Whether you are hosting meetings virtually or in-person, these six communication strategies will help you keep meetings helpful and productive.


Designing teamwork: How our customers helped shape the future of Slack

Lessons learned building a simpler, more organized experience for our users


How we host meetings, conferences and events remotely

Suddenly found yourself in a virtual working world? Fret not, here’s how you can manage your next all-hands, conference or team meeting digitally


The student and faculty guide to collaborating in Slack

Use this template to create your own community guidelines and preserve productivity


Distance learning thrives in Slack

Use Slack to connect campuses and keep students engaged, anywhere and everywhere


Manager en télétravail : notre guide du manager

Des conseils concrets pour créer de la confiance et apporter de la transparence en dehors des structures classiques du travail


The manager’s manual for digital work

A field guide to building trust and creating clarity outside the traditional structure of the workplace