Salespeople strategize on a sales funnel in Slack.

Introducing Forrester’s new study: The Total Economic Impact of Slack for Sales Teams

The market research firm finds that Slack accelerates sales velocity, boosting revenue to the tune of $2.6 million

Slack 團隊2021 年 5 月 11 日圖片作者:Giacomo Bagnara

Sales teams want to spend more time selling and less time hunting down information. They want to connect quickly with cross-functional partners who can provide answers. Above all, sales teams want to close deals. 

Our customers have indicated that Slack helps them to achieve all of these. But before investing in a new product—and a new way of working—many decision makers rightfully want quantifiable evidence of its business impact. So we set out to provide just that and commissioned Forrester Consulting’s market researchers to measure the economic impact of Slack for sales teams.

Forrester Consulting conducted surveys and interviews with sales team leaders and professionals around the world who use Slack, delivering the findings in the new study, “The Total Economic Impact of Slack for Sales Teams.” The research found that over three years surveyed companies: 

Forrester Consulting conducted surveys and interviews with sales team leaders and professionals around the world who use Slack, delivering the findings in the new study, “The Total Economic Impact of Slack for Sales Teams.” The research found that over three years surveyed companies: 

Forrester Consulting conducted surveys and interviews with sales team leaders and professionals around the world who use Slack, delivering the findings in the new study, “The Total Economic Impact of Slack for Sales Teams.” The research found that over three years surveyed companies: 

  • Saw a 296% return on their investment in Slack 
  • Increased revenue by $2.6 million due to improved sales velocity 
  • Realized improvements to sales team productivity worth $951,000
  • Increased the number of deals closed by 13%

The study found that consolidating critical tools in Slack is key for sales teams: They need to have vital information for prospects at their fingertips, along with sales records for existing customers and easy ways to share best practices with colleagues. This information is often scattered across organizations in systems that don’t work well with one another. Slack connects the people and systems that used to be disconnected—allowing sales teams to respond quickly to the needs of prospects and customers, while gaining more time to focus on closing deals.

The study also highlights how Slack can build stronger sales teams—an essential if you want to close more deals. Slack users told Forrester Consulting that they can now find and hire sales talent faster, as well as onboard and train new employees more rapidly, reducing associated costs by 39%.

We recently launched a handy tool to calculate the ROI of Slack based on this case study. Now you can zero in on the benefit of Slack in a way that is measurable and specific to the needs of your sales teams in mere minutes. It only takes a few quick inputs to get your customized data.

We recently launched a handy tool to calculate the ROI of Slack based on this case study. Now you can zero in on the benefit of Slack in a way that is measurable and specific to the needs of your sales teams in mere minutes. It only takes a few quick inputs to get your customized data.

We recently launched a handy tool to calculate the ROI of Slack based on this case study. Now you can zero in on the benefit of Slack in a way that is measurable and specific to the needs of your sales teams in mere minutes. It only takes a few quick inputs to get your customized data.

“The sales team is able to collaborate with their colleagues across the company in different departments in a really fast and fluid way to get help on the accounts. We need marketing, sales, and support and everyone working on these customer relationships together, but not everyone can be in every meeting.”

Technology IndustryChief Revenue Officer

Minutes matter to busy sales people, as does leveraging knowledge that builds trust with prospects and customers. Slack users tell us that they get the right answers at the right time because they can ask the right person. These interactions can turn deal breakers into dealmakers and drive up revenue companywide.










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