
Developers: Jam with Slack engineers at Frontiers 2019

Hands-on sessions, a Slackathon and all the support you need. See what the Curiosity track has in store for developers at this year’s conference

Il team di Slack17 aprile 2019

Do you ever wish you could ask a Slack engineer to take a look at your code? You’ll get the chance on April 24 and 25 in San Francisco at our annual conference, Frontiers. This year, we’re introducing the Curiosity track: a program designed just for developers to hone their app-building skills. Later, you’ll get to show off your chops in our first-ever Slackathon (and yes, there are prizes!).

During the program, you’ll work one on one with the experts who build for Slack each day. They’re prepared to answer all your questions, from how to assemble your dream team to tips for user-testing your prototypes. Join us to meet with your community of mentors and peers, participate in workshops, and see if your app shines bright at our inaugural Slackathon. You’ll also get a free copy of Build, your definitive guide to creating apps for Slack.

Intrigued? Here’s a taste of the top four experiences you’ll delve into at this year’s Frontiers. (Don’t forget to register today if you haven’t already.)

Developers showing off their latest app creations. This could be you at Frontiers 2019 in our first-ever Slackathon! Be sure to register at


1. Connect with a community of peers and mentors

Network, share ideas, tackle challenges, and connect with a global community of Slack app builders. You’ll also have the chance to get involved with our new Slack Platform Community chapters. Our community manager, Elizabeth Kinsey, will be there to help you get started.

The Curiosity track also features discussions with developers from companies like Wayfair, NBC News and Optimizely and mentorship opportunities with the Slack engineers who created the tools and features you use every day.

2. Strengthen your skills with one-on-one training

From getting started with Slack APIs to improving app security and design, you’ll have access to the tools and resources you need to create simple, delightful and productive app experiences for your users. Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with Slack engineers, designers and product experts through a variety of immersive learning experiences, including:

  • Block Kit app design consulting clinic: Learn how Block Kit works and our best practices for building with it. Slack designers will show you how to create better user experiences and workflows for your app in this hands-on, interactive clinic. You’ll also learn how to modernize your existing app UI.
  • Block Kit voting wall: Make your voice heard! Vote on some of our upcoming features and help us prioritize our roadmap.
  • Slack API help desk: Slack’s developers are at your service. Get set up for the Slackathon and pick up our updated App UI guidelines.

3. Get your hands on Build, the definitive guide to creating apps for Slack

Have you ever been stumped by a prickly process or a coding conundrum and wished that building for Slack came with a manual? Jim Ray, Slack’s senior developer advocate, has you covered with his new book, Build. It offers guidance on everything from assembling your team to prototyping and even includes a stencil to mock up your app design—which will come in handy during the Slackathon (more on that soon). As a Frontiers participant, you’ll be among the first to snag a free copy.

4. Show us your creative and technical chops during our first-ever Slackathon

You say you’re building an app for Slack? We want to hear all about it–and see it! Join us for our first-ever Slackathon, and get moving on that idea you’ve been tinkering with. You’ll also get to show off your design skills and compete against your peers for prizes.

  • What are we looking for?

    An end-to-end solution that covers the entire user experience. Your prototype can be as high-tech or low-tech as you’d like; we’re just looking for novel and solution-driven ideas.

  • How will the Slackathon work?

    If you’ve ever participated in a science fair, you know the drill. You’ll get some time to prototype before our Platform team begins to stroll around to check out what you’ve built. If you’re not ready to show us a rough-and-ready prototype, we’ll just judge your design based on what you’ve got. We’ll announce the five finalists to pitch their idea before our panel of industry experts.

  • What does the winner get?

    The coveted title of Best App and goodies like an iPad Mini and Slack swag.

Whether you’re noodling on some buggy code or want to jump-start your creativity, the Curiosity track at Frontiers has something to offer every developer. With onsite mentorship opportunities and hands-on coaching clinics, you’ll get the chance to learn from Slack engineers and even implement improvements to your new or existing apps right onsite.

And because collaboration is a two-way street, we want to learn from you, too. What do you dream of building? At Slack, we value honest feedback, so this is your chance to tell us what you think. Let’s build together. Register for Frontiers 2019.

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