Cover of the Navigating the Disruption of Work guide by Slack

A new guide for adapting to a radically different workplace

When everything changes, the ability to adapt becomes the competitive advantage

Il team di Slack11 agosto 2020

We don’t have to tell you all the ways work has changed over the past few months. If you worked in an office, you probably don’t right now. In-person meetings have been replaced by video conferencing, the nursery has become a study and your old routine is probably toast.

Across the globe, organizations and individuals have been grappling with this new world of work—where the office is no longer the beating heart of a company, and often the majority of staff is working remotely.

But this first phase is only the 101, an Intro to Remote Work course, when what we’re really seeking is a doctorate in workplace transformation. We know it’s a lot to take in (both the concept and the crummy metaphor). If only there were some type of guide, right?

There’s a guide now

We wrote Navigating the Disruption of Work after exploring how dozens of companies are traversing the same uncertain terrain as you are right now. We spoke with leaders at organizations such as HubSpot, Shopify and Dell Technologies to see what we could learn.

We found that, regardless of size or sector, each company is going through five shifts. In this guide, we take a deep dive into each of the five, and offer tactical advice on how to evolve quicker and emerge stronger.

Download the guide to:

  • Learn how high-performing companies are adapting to rapid workplace transformation—all while keeping their teams engaged and agile.
  • Gain insight into moving beyond crisis mode, or “keeping the lights on,” to a renewed focus on innovation and productivity.
  • Discover how empowering individuals can result in a more inclusive organization with better decision-making all around.

We know these accelerations aren’t easy, so here are some ideas and inspiration to help your organization along the way.

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