
Welcome to Frontiers 2019! The latest livestream details, your agenda and more

Can’t make it to Frontiers? Catch select keynotes online

Il team di Slack22 aprile 2019

The future of work is arriving, fast. And coincidentally, so is our 2019 Frontiers conference in San Francisco.

The two-day symposium kicks off April 24 and will feature talks from a veritable who’s who of industry heavyweights. We’re bringing together business leaders, corporate technologists, app developers and, oh yeah, Serena Williams.

While attending is still the best way to experience the conference, we recognize that not everyone can make it. That’s why this year we’re livestreaming a handful of must-watch keynotes, including a product update from Slack’s Chief Product Officer Tamar Yehoshua.

(If you are with us this week, here’s your full Frontiers agenda featuring three dedicated tracks and one Slackathon. And don’t forget to download our mobile app to keep all this info handy as you move from session to session: iOS and Android.)

Bookmark this page for easy access later and we’ll see you soon!

Frontiers 2019 livestream schedule (Day 1)

April 24, 1:30 – 2:45pm PDT– Product and vision keynote: Innovations driving the future of work forward


  • Robert Frati, SVP, Sales and Customer Success at Slack
  • Gopi Parampalli, VP of IT at Electronic Arts
  • Tamar Yehoshua, Chief Product Officer at Slack

Frontiers 2019 livestream schedule (Day 2)

April 25, 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. PDT — Product keynote: The future of enterprise and security with Slack


  • Sujith Abraham, Group VP, APAC and EMEA Strategy and Operations at Oracle
  • Brad Armstrong, VP of Business and Corporate Development at Slack
  • Paul Donnelly, VP, Corporate Application Services at Oracle
  • Ilan Frank, Head of Enterprise Product at Slack
  • Christina Kosmowski, VP, Customer Success at Slack
  • Eric Yuan, Founder and CEO at Zoom

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