5 new apps to streamline communication

Connect with customers, monitor ad performance, and have more-productive meetings

Slack 팀이 작성2018년 10월 30일Sergio Membrillas의 일러스트

The best apps for Slack are the ones that automate mundane tasks and cut down on distracting context switching between tools. The reason is simple: These apps save everyone time and energy that’s better applied to the more creative, important, and enjoyable parts of your job.

This month, to help ease those burdens, we’re showcasing a handful of tools with new capabilities to help streamline your work. Check out the latest from HubSpot, Coupa, Citrix, Eletype, and SoapBox, all of which can be found in the ever-expanding Slack App Directory.

Never lose a customer with HubSpot

HubSpot’s new live chat tool not only alerts you in Slack when a current or future customer starts a new conversation on your website, it lets you respond right inside Slack.

앱 아이콘
Add HubSpot to Slack to:
  • Get an alert when a customer messages you through live chat
  • Reply to conversations directly in Slack threads, while still logging everything in your inbox
  • Create new tasks and tickets with actions
  • Use slash commands, like /hs-search-kb, to look up contacts, companies, knowledge base articles, and more
참고: 일부 통합 항목은 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Make approvals faster with Coupa

Coupa is a platform for managing corporate expenses, procurement, and invoicing. Speed up your business processes while still keeping an eye on every dollar spent with its new Slack app.

앱 아이콘
Add Coupa to Slack to:
  • Route new approval requests right into Slack
  • View short descriptions or follow links to view more
  • Make approvals with a single button click
참고: 일부 통합 항목은 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Start a group huddle with Citrix Secure Email

Citrix Secure Email lets you manage emails from multiple accounts, calendars, and contacts, while keeping your personal data safe. And with Citrix’s new Secure Mail app for Slack, you can switch seamlessly from your email inbox to Slack conversations in a snap.

앱 아이콘
Add Citrix Secure Email to Slack to:
  • Start 1:1 direct-message conversations with an email recipient
  • Create group DMs in Slack instantly with everyone cc’d on an email
  • Discuss possible email responses with a group, and answer questions quickly and more directly, in Slack before you email back
참고: 일부 통합 항목은 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Keep tabs on your ads with Eletype

Eletype is a digital marketing tool that helps teams manage their ad spends, with automatic monitoring and alerting. Its new Slack app integrates with your channels to let your whole team know in an instant when things are going better than expected or hitting a temporary snag.

앱 아이콘
Add Eletype to Slack to:
  • Stay on top of all your ad campaigns without having to constantly monitor dashboards
  • Get automated alerts about campaign spend, traffic, and conversions, right in Slack channels
  • Coordinate with your team in Slack to make necessary adjustments to keep your business running smoothly
  • Celebrate wins when campaigns outperform expectations 🎉
참고: 일부 통합 항목은 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Improve your meetings with SoapBox

The best meetings have agendas, and SoapBox is a tool for letting people know what meetings are about before they begin. The new SoapBox bot integrates with Slack and lets you view your daily meetings, create meeting agendas, and add items to agendas at any time.

앱 아이콘
Add SoapBox to Slack to:
  • Set up or start meetings with a simple “meet with @mention” command
  • Add agenda items as you think of them throughout the week
  • Proactively prompt teammates to add their own agenda items
  • View each day’s meetings with a slash command
참고: 일부 통합 항목은 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Our App Directory is in a constant state of expansion. To see what else is new—and how the latest apps can help you be more productive at work—visit slack.com/apps.

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