A filed of papers that opens up to a computer with the Slack app

A call for Slack Champions: Drive Slack success within your organization

Learn how to be an effective Slack Champion to transform the way your organization gets work done

Dieses Webinar ist geeignet für:

  • Inhaberinnen/Inhaber und Administratorinnen/Administratoren
  • Slack-Botschafterinnen und -Botschafter
  • Slack-Benutzerinnen und -Benutzer

Join us as our very own Slack Champion shares her tips for supporting the success of Slack within your organization. Learn how to find and lean on internal Slack Champions to scale change-management efforts and drive mature Slack usage.

Rednerinnen und Redner:

Christina MengPrincipal Digital Success Programs Manager, Slack
Nadia LeeManager, Collaboration and Content Services, Pure Storage
Heidi TsaoSenior Strategy Manager, People Experience, TELUS Digital

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