
Maintain your team’s creative flow with the Adobe Creative Cloud app

New updates allow you to share creative assets, preview files, and brainstorm with external partners—all within Slack

Il team di Slack28 maggio 2020

For creatives, there’s no moment quite as sweet as when synapses are firing on all cylinders and ideas are flowing freely between teammates. Hitting the pause button to send an email or switch between software programs can disrupt fast-moving trains of thought and lead to lost hours of productivity.

With the updated Adobe Creative Cloud for Slack app, Adobe is making it easier for teams to keep those creative juices flowing. Now team members can collaborate on assets from any Adobe Creative Cloud app within Slack.

The updated integration also makes it simpler to work with external partners via Slack shared channels, a feature that connects two independent organizations in the same virtual workplace. The new app lets you share assets, such as illustrations and mockups, with collaborators outside your company, reducing context switching and maintaining creative momentum.

“We’re always looking for ways to make collaboration and communication more efficient to help teams get work done, especially when working remotely,” says Vijay Vachani, Adobe’s senior director of Creative Cloud platform and ecosystem. “By expanding our integration with Slack across Adobe Creative Cloud, we’re unlocking new ways for creative teams to collaborate on their work, enabling users to easily share and manage access to content in Creative Cloud, provide feedback, and stay up to date on their design projects, all within their Slack channels.”

What’s new with the Adobe Creative Cloud app?

The latest app extends the original Adobe Creative Cloud integration to span the entire suite of Creative Cloud products. Previously, users could view and comment only on Adobe XD files within Slack.

Now the integration allows users to easily share and preview files from Creative Cloud storage or applications such as Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat and InDesign.

With the Adobe Creative Cloud for Slack app, teams can:

  • Share Creative Cloud files and view rich previews in Slack channels
  • Comment on all Creative Cloud file types from Slack
  • Receive updates in-channel on file activity like new comments, revisions and more
  • Add collaborators to private Adobe XD prototypes and design specs in Slack

Channel owners can also subscribe to activity streams for content stored in Creative Cloud so that team members receive automated notifications on file updates and changes in the Slack channel. Individual users can turn off notifications to keep disruptions to a minimum.

Gif showing how Slack channel owners can subscribe to activity streams for content stored in Adobe Creative Cloud

Shared channels open more doors to collaboration

The new integration also supports shared channels, allowing teams to seamlessly work with external collaborators, such as creative agencies and freelance designers and copywriters.

Say, for instance, you’re developing a new brand campaign. With shared channels, you can pull a creative agency into the project, share mockups for everyone to see, and provide feedback, all without switching between software applications. By keeping everything in Slack, you’re facilitating the free flow of ideas while removing distractions.

With the new Adobe Creative Cloud app, you can streamline team collaboration and effortlessly connect with external partners, leaving more time for the big ideas that have a measurable impact.

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