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Remote work in the age of Covid-19: Insights from Slack

A nationwide survey of knowledge workers reveals how companies and employees are responding to the remote-work surge

The World Health Organization officially declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11. Within a few weeks, an estimated 16 million U.S. knowledge workers had switched to working remotely to flatten the curve of the health crisis, according to a new survey by Slack.

Those who’ve transitioned to remote work during the Covid-19 outbreak are among the lucky ones. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and others have jobs that put them and their families at risk. But even for those fortunate enough to continue working from the relative safety of their homes, remote work poses new challenges.

We wanted to hear from workers themselves about how they’re managing the transition. So we surveyed 2,877 knowledge workers across all 50 states to understand how they’re adapting, what they find challenging and what’s working well. We compared the experiences of veteran remote workers with newly remote workers to determine which practices and tools might help newcomers adapt.

Download our report and find out what our nationwide survey of knowledge workers reveals about the response to a remote work surge.






