Introducing the Slack Tips library

We've created 35 step-by-step quick guides to help you work better in Slack

Il team di Slack11 marzo 2019Illustrazione di Wenting Li

When people are new to Slack, they often use it in the simplest way: messaging coworkers to chat, ask questions, and nudge projects along. That in itself can make work more pleasant, but there’s a whole range of deeper features and possibilities inside Slack that can make all kinds of tasks easier, faster, and more efficient: things like hosting a video call, collecting project feedback, running polls—even directly communicating with your customers—all in Slack.

To give everyone a sense of what’s possible—and get you up and running in no time—we created Slack Tips. There, 35 entries highlight not only our favorite features of Slack but also other apps, like Salesforce, Asana, and Zendesk, that are designed to work inside Slack. Every tip is a quick visual guide with step-by-step instructions to walk you through installation to first use in just a few minutes.

Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Tips for using Slack’s built-in features

Make office life work better for everyone

Power up Slack with your other apps

Whether you’re a marketer or a designer, a sales rep or on the front lines of customer support, our Slack Tips library is the launching pad for getting more out of Slack. Check out the guides, try a few new features, and if your workday gets a little easier, we’d love to know. Send us some feedback or tweet us @SlackHQ using #slacktips.

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