Manage members
- Download a list of members in your workspace
- Assign members to system roles
- Invite new members to your workspace
- Invite new members to your workspace from your Google Directory
- Invited members in Slack
- Manage pending invitations and invite links for your workspace
- Change a member's role
- Create a link to a member's profile
- Manage your members' names in Slack
- Change a member's email address
- View and edit profiles on Enterprise Grid
- Slack Connect: Use the external people dashboard
- Fix duplicate accounts
- Deactivate a member's account
- Reactivate a member's account
- Download a list of members in your workspace
Manage channels
- Use channel management tools
- Understand Channel Managers in Slack
- Manage permissions for channel management tools
- Manage who can set channel posting permissions
- Slack Connect: Manage channel approval settings and invitation requests
- Manage file uploads, canvas sharing, and list sharing for Slack Connect
- How data management features apply to Slack Connect
- Manage multi-workspace channels on Enterprise Grid
- Move channels between workspaces on Enterprise Grid
- Use channel management tools
Manage billing, payments & plans
- Slack plans and features
- Purchase Slack AI
- Feature limitations on the free version of Slack
- Slack's Fair Billing Policy
- Manage your Slack plan and billing details
- Supported billing currencies
- Supported payment methods
- Sales tax and VAT
- Upgrade your free workspace to a paid plan
- Manage who can upgrade a free workspace
- Usage limits for free workspaces
- Vendor and remittance details for Slack
- Failed or late payments
- Strong customer authentication for Slack purchases
- Resume automatic payments on an India-issued credit card
- Try a paid Slack plan for free
- Apply for the Slack for Education discount
- Apply for the Slack for Nonprofits discount
- Slack plans and features
Workspace settings & permissions
- Manage public file sharing
- Slack data loss prevention
- Manage custom canvas template settings
- Manage Slack AI settings
- Manage list settings in Slack
- Manage canvas settings in Slack
- Manage custom template permissions
- Manage custom list template settings
- Disable huddles in certain channels
- Manage pronoun and name pronunciation display for member profiles
- Slack Connect: Manage channel invitation settings and permissions
- Slack Connect: Manage who can join channels owned by other organizations
- Manage Slack Connect discoverability for your organization
- Manage settings and permissions for Slack Connect direct messages
- Slack Connect: Manage your organization’s connections
- Claim and verify email domains
- Manage how people join your workspace
- Set the default language of a workspace or organization
- Show members' full names in your workspace
- Manage custom emoji permissions
- Manage email display
- Set default Do Not Disturb hours
- Manage link previews for your workspace
- Change your workspace or org name and URL
- Manage third-party calling app settings
- Set default channels for new members
- Manage join and leave messages
- Adjust channel management permissions
- Manage permissions for message editing and deletion
- Manage who can notify a channel or workspace
- Manage permissions for user groups
- Manage incoming emails for your workspace or organization
- Require admin approval for workspace invitations
- Manage channel posting permissions
- Transfer ownership of a workspace or org
- Customize your Terms of Service on Enterprise Grid
- Delete a workspace
- Manage public file sharing
Workspace customization
Enterprise Grid settings & permissions
- Set up and manage Slack enterprise search
- Create custom roles on Enterprise Grid
- Limit channel invitations on Enterprise Grid
- Manage developer sandboxes on Enterprise Grid
- Manage who can delete profile information on Enterprise Grid
- Slack Connect: Adjust banner visibility on Enterprise Grid
- Guide to managing Slack Connect on Enterprise Grid
- Manage who can rename channels on Enterprise Grid
- Manage your Enterprise Grid organization with APIs
- Manage profile settings on Enterprise Grid
- Migrate workspaces to Enterprise Grid
- A guide to Slack's Discovery APIs
- Add members to workspaces on Enterprise Grid
- Preview new member experience on Enterprise Grid
- Create a workspace on Enterprise Grid
- Manage a workspace on Enterprise Grid
- Manage workspace creation requests on Enterprise Grid
- Connect identity provider groups to your Enterprise Grid org
- Manage workspace access on Enterprise Grid
- Claim domains on Enterprise Grid
- Guest invitation permissions for Enterprise Grid
- Slack Connect: Provide guidelines for members of your organization
- Manage profile details for Slack Connect
- Use Slack Connect with free teams
- Set up and manage Slack enterprise search
Manage apps & workflows
- Set up and manage Agentforce in Slack
- Slack administration: Manage Workflow Builder access and features
- Slack administration: Restrict custom steps for Workflow Builder
- Slack administration: Manage workflows in Slack
- Slack administration: Manage access to Workflow Builder connectors
- Slack administration: Manage workflow usage in Slack Connect conversations
- Download or delete an app's datastore
- Manage app settings and permissions
- Manage app approval for your workspace
- Manage app requests for your workspace
- Configure automations for app approval
- Guide to automation rules for app approval
- Manage apps on Enterprise Grid
- Manage deactivated members' apps and integrations
- Re-enable a deactivated member's bot user
- Enable domain-wide authentication for calendar and file apps in Slack
- Set organization policies for apps on Enterprise Grid
- Set up and manage Agentforce in Slack
Configure access & security
- Configure audit log anomaly event responses in Slack
- Reset all Slack passwords
- Review flagged content on Enterprise Grid
- Manage desktop app configurations
- Set up Slack for Intune mobile apps
- Slack for Intune Mobile App Management
- Slack support lifecycle for operating systems, app versions, and browsers
- Mandatory workspace two-factor authentication
- Manage session duration
- Sign members out of your Enterprise Grid organization
- View Access Logs for your workspace
- Create information barriers in Slack
- Manage single sign-on settings
- Google Workspace single sign-on
- ADFS single sign-on
- SAML single sign-on
- Custom SAML single sign-on
- Troubleshoot SAML authorization errors
- Change your single sign-on provider
- Reset all single sign-on sessions
- Send a single sign-on rebind email
- Remove single sign-on
- Manage members with SCIM provisioning
- Approve Slack workspaces for your network
- Deploy Slack for macOS
- Deploy Slack via Microsoft Installer
- Mobile security for Enterprise Grid
- Enable Enterprise Mobility Management for your org
- Allow an org domain with Enterprise Mobility Management
- Block file downloads and message copying on Enterprise Grid
- Require a mobile passcode on Enterprise Grid
- Require a mandatory mobile browser on Enterprise Grid
- Block jailbroken or rooted devices on Enterprise Grid
- Require a minimum app version on Enterprise Grid
- Configure audit log anomaly event responses in Slack
Slack data & analytics
- Manage message activity
- Request to export additional data from your workspace or Enterprise Grid org
- Guide to Slack import and export tools
- Export your workspace data
- How to read Slack data exports
- Import data from one Slack workspace to another
- FAQ: Import data from one Slack workspace to another
- Move data to Slack using a CSV or text file
- Slack Enterprise Key Management
- Create and manage legal holds
- Data residency for Slack
- View your Slack analytics dashboard
- Understand the data in your Slack analytics dashboard
- Manage permissions for the Slack analytics dashboard
- View message activity
- Audit logs on Enterprise Grid
- Customize data retention in Slack
- Manage message activity